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Coffee Time


Coffee Time was originally an idea that a friend and i had for a spoof on a coffee commercial, the basic premise was that a company makes hands down the best coffee, but you have to murder hundred of living coffee beans in order to brew it. After I started concepting and boarding this idea, the concept formed into more of a story about a sad man who is plagued by living coffee beans. The idea went through several revisions and pitches before the writer and i ended up with something we both thought was the best possible version of what we wanted.



I originally hadn't planned on animating Coffee Time, my intention had been to practice my storyboarding. However, after seeing the idea develop and become something way more entertaining that i had thought, I knew i had to animate it. The animation is done in flash using symbol based animation. This was the first time i had ever used this method of animation, so it was a bit of a learning experience. I had never before followed a project from initial concept to finished product. This was the first time having my hands in every step of the process, including the sound design and folley.

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