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About the Artist

As an artist I take great pride in my work, my art is not just what i do for a living but a vessel from which I can express myself. I spend a lot of time on my artwork, but i also enjoy playing online games and spending time outdoors. I am an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, which has given me a love for the outdoors and a aptitude for leadership and group dynamics. When i'm not spending time outdoors or making art, I play a lot of online PC games with friends. Some people view this as a pretty nerdy hobby, but to me it serves as not only an outlet for meeting new people, but a place where i can research emerging trends in game and concept design, so that I can apply them to my work. My hobbies are as important to me as my artwork, I have learned many things from my personal life and hobbies, and have found that it has helped me to improve my art and become a more well rounded person.

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